On today's show we are very happy to host Dessy Di Lauro and Ric'key Pageot from Parlor Social! The band has been slowly building a reputation and following that is not be messed with and their solo ventures and session and touring work for big names such as Madonna and Cirque Du Soleil have enabled both of our guests to carve out full time creative careers in their area of passion. We discuss the benefits of sticking your neck out, The Secret and the power of visualization. We also talk about about constantly preparing and practicing for steps in the path towards success. As world creators, who use music and the power of song in many different settings, Dessy and Ric'key are great examples of taking particular artistic gifts and finding ways to live the life of your dreams. The conversation covers the serendipitous and magical connections they have made with huge names in the business, from Herbie Hancock and Benjamin Wright to Stevie Wonder and Madonna. We also talk about meditation, influence from their parents and investing in yourself and future. For this inspiring and beautifully truthful story, be sure not to miss this one! For more information about artists, links and resources from this episode, please visit https://notrealart.com/putting-the-pieces-together-with-dessy-di-lauro-rickey-pageot-of-parlor-social/

Key Points From This Episode:

What the band has been up to and the different venues they have been frequenting. How Herbie Hancock came to a show of Ric'key's. Linking up with Benjamin Wright and Stevie Wonder The power of visualization in realizing your dreams  How Ric'key started working with Madonna. A very exciting announcement from our guests about this fall! Following your own sound and ideas Why Dessy decided not to get a day job A dream that changed everything The helpful role of meditation in managing stress Ric'key's journey meeting Dessy The song that Dessy wrote for her mother Musical legacy and the parental influences How Dessy started working with Cirque Du Soleil. Investing in yourself and getting ready for success. Our guests' experience at the recent Not Real Art Conference! Dessy's upcoming night in Montreal  And much more!