In this episode Sourdough and Kelly Vaught from BeCore join in conversation about everything from parenting and core values to experiential marketing and politics. Starting off, Kelly shares with us what he is most grateful for and his personal philosophy for a happy, meaningful life. His family is incredibly important to him and he dishes out some of his tried and tested parenting advice and reflects on his own childhood experiences and how they have shaped him. We discuss the role of liberal arts in teaching critical thinking, what the world actually needs from politicians, forging meaningful connections with people and the need for advertising folk to grasp and engage with contemporary culture. We reimagine a society where the measure of success is holistic and where people’s contribution to all spheres of life is a more interesting consideration than just what they do as a job and the money they get from doing it. Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation with people who speak your language. For more information about artists, links and resources from this episode, please visit

Key Points From This Episode:

A reflective overview of Kelly’s parents and growing up in a very religious household. Dealing with his mother’s mental illness, dropping out of school and moving out at age 16. Being excommunicated from his religious network and the tough lessons he learned. How Kelly’s childhood experiences informed his perspective on raising his own kids. The importance of building confidence and adaptability into his children. The critical role of arts in teaching critical thinking and problem solving. Combing liberal arts and science to find solutions for the existential problems of humankind. The need for politicians to adopt a human-centered approach to government. Recognizing who ‘your people’ are and not wasting time investing in those who are not. What the dissolution of the ego entails and how harmony is the foundation of success. Unequal distribution of resources and population growth as two major concerns in our collective unconscious. Doing work that matters, experiential marketing and engaging the younger generations. Red Bull as an example of a company that supports and engages with arts and culture. Artists’ role in stimulating conversations around social issues and challenging the status quo. The interesting space where art and AI meet and the future of artistic presentation. And much more!