On this week’s episode: Chris gets onto a listener that vented on the NPS Facebook page, Sal proves how stupid he is by not understanding the acronym Brangelina, Chris’s wife is going to con him into another child, Chris believes parents have gotten soft raising children when they are over the age of 18, Chris […]

On this week’s episode:

Chris gets onto a listener that vented on the NPS Facebook page,

Sal proves how stupid he is by not understanding the acronym Brangelina,

Chris’s wife is going to con him into another child,

Chris believes parents have gotten soft raising children when they are over the age of 18,

Chris made up a corner store song after attending his local corner store,

Sal talks about the BS that occurs when children get their black belt,

Chris is angry at Sal for editing out the shit he says on the Podcast,

Sal tells a story about him almost getting molested in a truck stop adult arcade,

Sal had a massive septic issue with his new houses,

Chris is sick from his kids that are constantly sick,

Chris tells his New Year’s story Mango and the Peacock,

Sal tells his New Year’s story where he almost died while working on the C-17A,

Chris reads two amazing New Year’s emails from our listeners,

Sal leaves a voice mail,

Sal tells the story of the Haunted Poop,

Chris reveals a recent poop story,

Sal’s wife had to see the poop he had to leave in the toilet and was mortified,


Music Intro:

The Unipiper – “Unicycling Darth Vader upgrades to Flaming Bagpipes”

Music Outro:

Kyle Hartman – “Not Playing Stupid Outro Music”

All of Kyle Hartman’s original music can be downloaded for free at www.soundcloud.com/kyle-hartman-17

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