On this week’s episode: Chris discusses his hatred towards other drivers again. Sal tells a story about him being stoned in High School. Sal and Chris make a huge mistake. Have you ever been caught masturbating as an adult? Part 2 of Episode 13 We go over a story where Chris talks about a story […]

On this week’s episode:

Chris discusses his hatred towards other drivers again.

Sal tells a story about him being stoned in High School.

Sal and Chris make a huge mistake.

Have you ever been caught masturbating as an adult?

Part 2 of Episode 13

We go over a story where Chris talks about a story he read about dick transplants.

More fruit flies.

Sal talks about the Journey concert he attended.

Chris goes on a rant about an inventive way to kill Sal’s wife.

Sal and Chris talk about crazy people.

Chris is upset because his wife always outsmarts him.

Chris thinks of himself as a giant child.

Sal tells a story where recently a fridge fell on him.

Chris drops another bomb.

Chris reveals that his previous neighbors hated him.

Chris thinks he may be crazy because of the fucked up things he thinks about.

Chris tells a story where he used to work a wildlife rescue facility.

Chris purposely lies to his son to mess with him.

Sal tells what happened after the taping of part 1 of Episode 13.

Sal finally tells his STD story.

Music Intro:

The Unipiper – “Unicycling Darth Vader upgrades to Flaming Bagpipes”

Music Outro:

Cyranek – “Never Gonna Give You Up – MLG Airhorn Remix”