On this week’s episode, Chris and Sal share stories on becoming instructors, Chris and Sal discuss their week, Sal tells a story of his recent trip to the doctor’s office, Chris and Sal tell stories about day drinking, Sal plays a voice mail of himself drunk, Chris reveals Sal’s future if he continues day drinking, […]

On this week’s episode,

Chris and Sal share stories on becoming instructors,

Chris and Sal discuss their week,

Sal tells a story of his recent trip to the doctor’s office,

Chris and Sal tell stories about day drinking,

Sal plays a voice mail of himself drunk,

Chris reveals Sal’s future if he continues day drinking,

Chris tells the story about him running with the bulls in Spain,

Sal tells a story about a binge drinking in Germany,

Sal and Chris talk about the girls they don’t like too see in porn,

Sal talks about peeing in some guys planter box in San Fran,

Music Intro:

The Unipiper – “Unicycling Darth Vader upgrades to Flaming Bagpipes”

Music Outro:

Cyranek – “Never Gonna Give You Up – MLG Airhorn Remix”