Even Jesus couldn't save Uncle Ben Carson from getting booted off church property while defending Trump. A black 10-year-old faces a felony charge over dodgeball. Is there an end to mass shootings in America?

Plus, an Indy cop kicked off a nationwide manhunt (not really) over a chicken sammich snacker. The perpetrator was closer than he thought. And an international baller gets suspended after his drug test revealed a baby on the way. Check out these topics and more on Episode 72 of the Black Delegates Podcast.

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Uncle Ben gets the boot https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/455564-ben-carson-compares-baltimores-problems-to-having-cancer

What you in for fam? Dodgeball. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/critics-of-10-yearold-boy-charged-in-classmates-dodgeball-injury-blame-racism-191039356.html?ncid=facebook_yahoonewsf_akfmevaatca

Taking a McBite out of crime https://www.wthr.com/article/update-police-officer-forgot-he-took-bite-his-sandwich-indy-mcdonalds

Hooper suspended after finding out he's pregnant https://www.theroot.com/pro-basketball-player-suspended-after-drug-test-reveale-1836974861


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