Episode 69 is here! Illinois cops arrest hospitalized black man for taking a walk. AZ cops give Starbucks some nasty looks after six officers are asked to leave. The good ol' boys at the Georgia DMV are in hot water after asking Puerto Ricans to pop dat quiz.

A Confederate flag flying man gets an early brake from work. Plus, a real-life family feud at DisneyLand that makes Steve Harvey look like Malcolm X.

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Hospitalizing While Black https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/01/black-patient-arrested-illinois-hospital-iv-his-arm/1624096001/

Good ol' Georgia discrimination https://www.salon.com/2019/07/08/georgia-accused-of-discriminating-against-puerto-ricans-with-bizarre-driver-license-quiz/

Starbucks in trouble again?

Flagged for unemployment https://www.theroot.com/contractor-shows-up-at-black-couple-s-house-with-confed-1836080028

Disney WorldStar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7gtoLmHd5w&feature=share


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