Black folks need to quit caping for Bill Cosby. Circus Kava-naw is on full display as the angry, beer lovin', water guzzling Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has his hearings to address sexual misconduct accusations from Christine Blasey Ford.

A white woman accidentally sends a racist text to her black nanny then fires her over her shame. Colin Kaepernick's homie Eric Reid is finally signed by a NFL team after being blackballed for taking a knee with Kap.

Kanye sports a MAGA hat and says stupid stuff....what else is new? A Columbia woman and her side boo get busted on the way to the telly when her husband shows up as the uber driver. And Issa Review: The Black Delegates review the season finale of Insecure.

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Another black, Sorry, you're fired

Brown Delegation is Uber Wildin' -


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