We're back for our second week in a row of our December Gueststravaganza and we both want to say, this one feels like it has been a long time coming! We've long raved about how much we love the Reading the End podcast, and the two inestimable Jennys who host it. It was our pleasure to sit down with Gin Jenny to discuss all things Captain America, a truly great combination!

So buckle up, friends, for a longer episode in which we revel in our Steve Rogers feelings (and attempt to extract them from our Chris Evans feelings), discuss the tagging systems all major publishers would adopt, and remember that, surprising no one, Chelsea was Team Tony well before she was Team Cap. As a last note, friends, we want to thank you guys for bearing with us as we catch up on transcripts. Between Work, Life, and Technology, we got a bit behind but we promise, we'll be caught up soon! 


00:00-24:17– Intro & Current Reads

24:17-01:20:44 – Captain America discussion & Fic Recs

01:20:44-01:23:19 – What’s Coming Up, Outro, and Outtakes

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