You, and you alone, are responsible for the security of your gadgets, home and work network, your social media presence and all the routine financial tasks we perform online every day. My guest in this episode takes us through the basics that we must know, gleaned from his experience as the AISA (Australian Information Security Association) Cyber Security Professional of the Year 2020.

I first heard about best-selling author, Craig Ford, on another podcast, and I was struck by his matter of fact style and his no bullshit approach to his subject matter.  When I checked out his own words on his Amazon profile - "I like to tell it like it is and say it in a way that can be understood by everyone, not just the technical folk. I don't like to be too serious and try to look at the positives in life." - then I knew he would fit the tenor of this show.

Craig was good enough to go through the basics that anyone accessing the internet from home or at work should do to protect yourself, and your family, in this new normal environment we find ourselves in. Remember, your security online is your responsibility.

If you want to follow Craig a little closer, and hopefully buy the various volumes of "A Hacker I Am", read the glowing reviews and check out his Amazon Author profile.

Craig invites you to connect with him on LinkedIn.

Here is an easy way to leave a review for the show - as a new show I would appreciate your thoughts to help me develop and improve the show - I like to tell it like it is and say it in a way that can be understood by everyone, not just the technical folk. I don't like to be too serious and try to look at the positives in life.

And the best thing you can do to help me grow the show is to subscribe and share it with anyone you think will enjoy it!