Hey guys! Sorry for a bit of scheduling hiccup! Finals, amirite? Anywho, this week we're coming at you with an episode about the Swan Princess with Kat! Kat is a fellow podcaster who hosts a few podcasts on her site: Heart and Cel. Her and her boyfriend do analyses of Macross and Utena and she has a podcast on there with Robbie! The podcast she and Robbie share is Shikon Seekers, a much more chill show where we just rundown episodes of Inuyasha. It's all good stuff, so check it out!

The Swan Princess came out in 1994 and was directed by Richard Rich, an animator who left Disney (that Robbie isn't entirely convinced isn't Richie Rich in some horrifying time loop). Overall, it's an okay movie and we have a good time ripping some of its logic to shreds. Have a listen!