Hey guys! Sorry we've been gone so long! We're trying to get back on track, we promise! As you've likely noticed, we're on a new site! We're going to try slowly migrating everything over from the old site to this one, but it'll be slow-going. But enough about that.

This episode we are joined by our friend Tyler from Cynical Cartoons podcast. We talk about the movie "Help! I'm a Fish!", a 2001 Danish-German-Irish animated film. This unusual movie features of the voices of Aaron Paul and Alan Rickman and follows the journey of three children who have been turned into sea creatures. It's a strange movie, but we had a lot of fun with this episode! Enjoy! You can find Tyler at his site, Futurehorsepod.com, where he hosts a number of different podcasts which you should check out if you enjoyed his presence in this episode.