Hey everybody! Welcome to episode 119 of the Not Joanna Eggs podcast! This week, Tracy and Robin review the 1981 Disney animated film, The Fox and The Hound.

Join them as they discuss the film's deeply troubled production history, how Mickey Rooney keeps coming up in like every other episode of the podcast and the probable brand deal of Bass Pro Shop for the inevitable live-action remake. (It would be fitting but please God, no!)

We enjoyed checking out this movie and hope you dig this episode! Thank you for listening and please subscribe to us on iTunes, Podbean, Stitcher, Spotify or anywhere you get your podcasts.

If you have any requests or questions, please find us on Twitter or Instagram.

Robin Watching: Euphoria, Season 1 (HBO Max)

Tracy Watching: The Muppet Movie and Muppet Christmas Carol (Disney+)

Robin Twitter: @lobster_writer / Insta: @lobsterwriter

Robin Tabletop Show Twitter: @tabletopbuffoon

Robin Tabletop Buffoonery Show Link: https://tabletopbuffoonery.libsyn.com/

Tracy Website: www.tracytrauscht.com

Tracy Twitter/Insta: @tctrauscht

Show Website: NotJoannaEggs.tumblr.com

YouTube Site: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZwz4ag0G3-Lv5GGywEXUiQ

Music Intro: Don't Hold My Breath by Ben Briggs, OCremix.org

Music Outro: Wet Dreams by Phonetic Hero, OCremix.org