Join us as we wrap up 2020 with Not Good Enough's official Top 10 ranking for the year.


10. Forced handshakes
Scott Morrison’s visit to Cobargo
The firefighter who really didn’t want to shake his hand.

9. Meme war with China
The meme war, covered in episode 48 and the trade war fallout in episode 50.

8. Anne Ruston
Anne Ruston, covered in episode 14 and episode 45.

7. State discourse
Sexy Dan Andrews covered in episode 28.
People getting horny for Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton covered in episode 30.

6. Gas led recovery
We’ve talked about gas before. Check out episodes 4911161920232628343843 and 47 for a quick recap.

5. Coronavirus
Not just SARS-CoV-2, but the Coronavirus too.

4. Industrial actions and union wins
The NU Unions making big wins: RAFFWUAUWURAHU.
The Wyong Woolies Workers Winning Their Wages With A Walk Off
RAFFWU taking McDonalds to court and winning
AUWU getting in three senate submissions and running a Mutual Obligation strike
Centrelink workers releasing a letter saying they disagree with the work they’re being made to do
RAHU helped negotiate over $20k in rental debt and getting eviction notices overturned.
Spotless Laundry workers walked off the job over safety concerns
Canberra garbage truck drivers going on multiple strikes
The Mitre 10 stop work that was won in less than four hours
The bus driver stop work that was won before it started
The NTEU wage theft repayment protest that was successful before it started
Coles workers on indefinite strike after being locked out of their worksites, after striking back in March
Maritime Union of Australia going on strike all along the east coast

3. Sports!!!!
Sports rorts covered in episode 3
The NRL island that wasn’t
The AFL teams were isolated into quarantine hubs.

2. Insecure work
Handling of Victorian hotel security covered in episodes 272933, and 39.
In two months, five food delivery workers were killed on the job.
Government’s move to change laws for part time workers covered in episode 48.

1. Robodebt
In 2017 it was found unlawful
The Not My Debt campaign
Bill Shorten announces class action lawsuit
Debts will be repaid
Scott Morrison apologizes
Kathryn Campbell doesn’t know what Robodebt is?
Gordon Legal settles out of court
Correction: Anthony Pratt has donated millions (not hundreds of thousands) to both the Liberal and Labor parties.