Mitch and Lang do some yelling about gas. We praise Rachel Siewert for yelling. We yell about big rowdy protests, which are a form of yelling.

Deniable corruption
Michael Sukkar was (Somyu)rek’d, but has faced no consequences.
Scott Morrison hs denied any responsibility.
Albonese went in hard?

Job agencies get paid
Job Agencies have earned $500m from the government during the pandemic.
Companies taking Jobkeeper are still happily paying out dividends to shareholders.
The Coronavirus Jobkeeper payments have reduced poverty to rates that are lower than before the pandemic.
Cutting the rate will push more people into poverty than before Covid.
The ALP have agreed to pass the Government’s reductions to Jobkeeper, even if their amendments are rejected.

Gassing about Gas
Angus Taylor is just mad for gas.
The concept of a “carbon footprint” is personal responsibility propaganda created by BP.
“Carbon dioxide: They call it pollution, we call it life.”
Gas has the lowest jobs-to-investment ratio of any industry in Australia.
Australia is the world’s largest exporter of gas.
… but we pay 3 times what the US does for our gas at home.
The Australian government is trying to get gas re-classified as a low emissions technology.
… at least they’re not the NSW Minerals council who are pushing for 21 new coal mines?
The Adani coal mine corporation has been legally harassing activists, applying to raid their homesbankrupting Adrian Burragubba, a traditional owner, and working with the media to doxx others.
Shout out to the protesters and traditional owners putting themselves on physically and legally the line for the climate fight.

Send Rachel Siewert a nice note.
Donate to the Wangan and Jagalingou Defence of Country Fund.

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