We take a break from doom and gloom to highlight some recent wins. Then we chat with broadcaster and conspiracy researcher Cam Smith about the sovereign citizens and far-right cranks at a Bunnings near you.

Corona watch
The coronavirus infection rate in Victoria was reduced by the Stage 3 restrictions from 1.75 to 1.16, preventing at least 18.5k infections.
For a lot of people, the lockdown has improved mental health.
Former Liberal MP Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has blasted Tony Abbot for his gutting of the aged care system.
Under Bronwyn Bishop’s watch, people in aged care were bathed in kerosene.
Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has refused to cooperate with investigations to into the Ruby Princess fiasco.

Solidarity forever
The University of Melbourne is paying back millions in stolen wages.
The workers in the Woolworths distribution center in Wyong have won a huge pay rise and additional safety procedures.
The workers at a liquor distribution center in are striking for a safer work environment.
The Spotless Laundry in Dandenong is being shut down after workers walked out over unsafe working conditions.
The Australian Unemployed Worker’s Union is striking against “mutual obligations”.
Read the AUWU’s strike demands and guidance here.

Cam Smith chats Qaren
Bunnings Qaren doesn’t believe in masks.
Follow Cam Smith on twitter.
Listen to the Hypothetical Institute podcast.
Check out the Gather Around Me podcast
Hear Yeah Nah Pasaran! on 3CR
Catch Cam spinning tunes on Gippsland FM

Join a union. ACTU can help you find which you belong to.
Support the AUWU and UWU.
Listen to No Turning Back.

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