Previous Episode: 24 — Blaming families
Next Episode: 26 — Cop Tower

With climate disasters looming, we pick apart the Labor party's anaemic response. Then we chat about ideological cuts to the ABC and the right-wing media's take on Victorian Covid spikes.

Climate backslides
Labour party leader Anthony Albonese has indicated he is willing to give up on pushing for climate action from the Liberals.
Chevron’s carbon capture project Gorgon… didn’t work.
Lang was right about Gorgons though.
A National Audit Office report concludes that the Morrison government has failed it’s duty to protect the environment.
80% of federal environmental approvals were non-compliant with regulations or contained errors.
Australia’s Reserve Bank has warned that inaction on climate change will cause GDP to drop 25% by 2100.
The Government has cut funding from renewable energy research at CSIRO.
…while the ABC makes cuts to the national emergency emergency broadcasting that was essential to saving lives during the 2019-20 bushfires.

Shorts in the arctic
Temperatures reached 38° degrees in the Arctic this week, the highest ever recorded.
Warming poles means more extreme weather all over the world.

Cutting the news
The ABC has cut 250 jobs, and the flagship news bulletin, after losing almost a billion in funding since 2014.
ABC Executives are still taking multi-million-dollar salaries and payouts.
Scott Morrison insists that there are no cuts.
ABC management is moving to sell their main headquarters… then rent it back?

Talking about distance
Victoria is experiencing a second spike in Covid infections.
The Victorian government’s crisis communication subcontractor was only asked to use languages other than English on Monday.
The conservative media has been desperately trying to push a “BLM Bump” theory to case increases (unsupported by the facts).
Now the conservative media wants to place the blame on immigrant families, with articles like “Diversity and death”.
The COVIDSafe app has 6 million downloads, has been used to detect zero cases.

Join the call to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14.
Wear a dang mask when you go to the shops.

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