We break down the culture war surrounding Victoria's Deputy Chief Health Officer. Then we explain why the Great Barrier Reef is important and why you shouldn't install the government's Covid Safe app.

Victoria’s deputy Chief Health Officer compared Coronavirus to Captain Cook. Australia’s right-wing media are kicking up a shitstorm.
Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton has called for her to resign. He also forgot to declare a $1 million property he owns.
Malcolm Turnbull bought his seat for $1.75 million.
He also businesses connections to businesses involved in shady offshore business shown in the Panama papers.
Turnbull been calling for the Morrison government to take climate change seriously. While in power, he handed $444 million to some mates.
Pets are legal.
Always google the minor characters!

Enviro chat
The Great Barrier Reef is incredibly important to the planet’s ocean ecosystem.
Federal Energy Idiot Angus Taylor has refused to release a report he commissioned into emissions reductions. I wonder why?
Australia could get to 90% renewable energy by 2040 with no increase in power prices.
Massive investment firm Blackrock has divested from fossil fuel.
The logging of some native forests in Victoria has been halted by a court injunction.

No-Vid Safe
Despite being downloaded 4 million times the government’s app is not actually active for Covid tracing.
The messaging about the Australia’s government’s app has been horrifically confusing. People think it’s an early warning system, and pubs are planning to prevent people from entering if they don’t have the app.
The app has been shown to track all the device it connects to, not just for 15 minutes, and not just people within 1.5 metres.
Gambling addicts have been helped to kick https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-26/pokies-addicts-kick-habit-during-coronavirus-venues-shutdown/12183018
Many AFL clubs take a huge portion of their revenue from pokie machines.
Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan admitted his criticism of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews over school closures “overstepped the mark”.

Listen to Drilled, a true crime podcast about the fossil fuel industry for a good debunking of Michael Moore’s new documentary.
Listen to Citation Needed’s latest episode on GDP and how using it as our core measure of economic wellbeing is destroying the environment.

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