Carbon credits are a big scam. David Koch fantasies about cutting the rope.


Carbon Credits!
Angus Taylor has spent a billion dollars on “sham” carbon credits.
Whistleblower Andrew Macintosh says many parts of the carbon offsets system are a scam.
Andrew Macintosh has been replaced by former fossil fuel lobbyist David Byers (we’ve talked about him before).
Under the Gillard government, Australia’s emissions actually went down.
What’s the go with Angus Taylor anyway?

Blockade Sunrise
Protestors from Blockade Australia are continuing to disrupt coal company operations.
Emma Dorge went on morning TV show Sunrise while hanging from a pole above a train line.
Sunrise’s “Cool the Globe” initiative was sponsored by Origin Energy.

Shoutout to The Greens! They’ve announced some cool new policies, like free university, and dental into Medicare.
Shoutout too to Joe Hockey for fighting for free university too (before stripping it for parts).
Blockade Australia are running actions from 27th of June - July 2nd.
Change your god damn electricity provider!


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