The government ignores the IPCC report and the floods. Warnie ruled though.


Fucking around / finding out
The second part of the 6th IPCC report has been released. This one is about the social cost of climate change.
UN President António Guterres: “I’ve seen many reports, but nothing like the new IPCC climate report, an atlas of human suffering”.
The government response: Ignoring it.
Except for Pauline Hanson, who’s happily denying that climate change exists.
On a plus side, Victoria has announced a massive new offshore wind project to replace our aging coal plants.

Floodcast (not that one)
The flooding in Queensland & NSW: It’s real bad.
The Lismore Maccas, completely underwater.
The government has $5 billion sitting in a federal disaster fund, and just isn’t spending it.
With local media closing, the ABC running on a rapidly shrinking shoestring budget, people are stuck without news that talks to them.
But it’s okay, Peter Dutton has started a GoFundMe to help out.
Dutton recently won $35,000 in damages for a defamation case against refugee activist Shane Bazzi.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk: “Let’s face it, it is climate change. I have never seen so many natural disasters”, but followed with… “Queensland is lucky, we have coal, we have gas”.
Shane Stone, head of Australia’s disaster relief agency, vacillates on climate change, and blames residents for wanting to “live amongst the gum trees”.

RIP Warnie
Cricketer Shane Warne died early Saturday morning.
He also had some good takes on climate change. “I think we all have to admit now that climate change is a huge issue… Scientists with proven facts are telling us things we can’t dispute about the rising temperatures, the rising sea levels”

Donate to help out in QLD & NSW: Bundjalung Community Flood ReliefFlood Recovery 2022.
Read Warmth by Daniel Sherrell.
Watch Shane Warne: 10 unforgettable deliveries, the Kath and Kim episode.

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