Look who's on a ROLL NOTNation! The Boys are back again with the latest episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast! Chris Todd kicks things off bragging about his new hard wood... Deck? Tom spends a big chunk of the episode ranting and venting about his recent life altering event while J Money is... well he's always being so money and he doesn't even know it. After the obligatory nonsense, the guys share their thoughts on the now complete Secret Invasion Disney+ series along with a few other nerdy quick hits. Last but not least, Tom wraps the show up paying tribute to the late Paul Ruebens AKA Pee Wee Herman.

Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on PodbeanApple podcasts! Also available on Spotify! Be sure to check out & support all of the other GREAT podcasts (Whoever may still be recording) that are part of the IHOP (International House Of Podcasts) Network! Be sure to tell them that THIS is the Original & ONLY Not Another Nerdy Podcast!

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