NOTHeads, You knew we'd Come... Back! After an unexplained & unwarranted year+ Hiatus, the Boys (Well 3 of them) have dusted off their microphones to bring you the next episode in the Not Another Nerdy Podcast Library! Chris Todd & J-Money reunite with host Tom VanZandt to spread that word of Nerd with you once again. After a quick 14 month catch up, the guys discuss the upcoming Dr. Strange movie sequel "Multiverse of Madness" as well as the soon to be released Disney+ series "Moon Knight"! J-Money and Chris give us a spoiler-free review of the recently released 3 Hour long "The Batman" movie before Tom & THE Official Attorney of NOTNation have a heated argument over a glaring & obvious plot hole Tom found months ago in Spider-Man: No Way Home! Also, some 3D printed Toy talk, Obi Wan Kenobi TV series anticipation & more of the typical Notpodcast1 nonsense that you didn't even realize was missing from your lives!

You're Welcome.

Always FREE & EASY to Subscribe, Download, Listen & Share on PodbeanApple podcasts or Stitcher! Also available on Spotify! Be a proud member of NOTNation & support your most favorite NOT weekly podcast by giving us a 5 Star Review on & write something funny for the Boys to share on a DISTANT future show! Be sure to check out & support all of the other GREAT podcasts that are part of the IHOP ( International House Of Podcasts ) Network! Be sure to tell them Chris Todd was WRONG!

Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them to Spread that Word of Nerd!!! Tom is too lazy to share the link below but we are now on Tik Tok as well! 


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