Yeah NOTNation, I Like It RAAAAAAAW!  Shimmy Shimmy Ya Shimmy Yam Shimmy Yay... Gimme the Mic so I can take it away!  It's your NANP Host, Tom "Senor Bo" VanZandt here.  I wanted to take a moment to apologize for 2 (TWO!) things... First, for the 6 months it has taken us to drop a new episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast.  Things have been crazy around NOTHeadquarters since this pandemic started, with work, family and the messed up state of the world in general.  There just never seemed to be enough hours in the day and unfortunately, the show took a back seat to real life for awhile.  We did record an actual episode 78 back in May but I had some issues with it (Story for another time) and never finished editing it so it's been shelved and we will just consider it "Lost" for now.  Speaking of editing... that brings me to the second thing that I need to apologize to you for.  This episode of NANP is the first EVER Raw and unedited podcast that I have released.  People often ask me why it takes us so long to drop an episode after we record and I know it's all my fault because I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to how I think these podcasts should sound. Quality of audio and content has always been most important to me and because of this, I always spend waaaay too much time editing each show, resulting in ridiculous release delays.  So I apologize to you, dear listener, in advance, for what you are about to hear.  This is Not Another Nerdy Podcast: "Naked and You Should Be Afraid"!  Aside from adding Intro/Outro music and a few sound drops/effects, I left it all in there and as recorded.  At about 45 minutes in, you will hear 12 minutes of content that will hopefully help you to understand WHY I put the time and work in to edit every second of every single show.  In this episode Chris, D-Rock, J $$$ and I talk about post-pandemic life, celebrity deaths, a controversy surrounding Star Wars: Mandalorian, season 2 of The Boys and why someone in Automotive won't pick up the damn call at Walmart!  So... enjoy this terrible experiment NOTHeads!  Have a laugh or three at our expense and by all means, let us know what you think about the first (and most likely LAST) Unedited NANP!  Thanks again for your patience and support! 

Buh Bye.

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