Here's something to listen to while you're in Quarantine NOTHeads!  In episode 76 of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Boys have returned to discuss the state of NOTNation & how everyone is coping with the Hottest pandemic of 2020... the Covid-19 (Corona) Virus!  As you can imagine, with the entire world on a virtual AND literal Lock down, there isn't much to report in the way of Nerd news so we instead get a wellness check/Health update on that Legend J Money, D-Rock finally shows up to record & offer us his usual 110% by leaving early, Chris Todd gets a ACTUAL Crossbow just in time for the Apocalypse & Tom can't help but lose his $#%@ over the current situation, resulting in multiple irrational but hopefully entertaining rants!  

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*Not Another Nerdy Podcast does not own any of the songs that were used/played strictly for review purposes.

Follow all of the @NOTpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media & help them to Spread that Word of Nerd instead of the Virus!!!


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