Better Late than NEVER NOTHeads!  Due to circumstances (and lame excuses) that just aren't worth mentioning, It took Senor BO longer than usual to finish editing Episode 72 of Not Another Nerdy Podcast...  As a result of this delay, some topics discussed are slightly dated... however, maybe you've been living under a rock for the last month & this will all be NEW TO YOU!  Chris, Tom & J Money chat about all of the big Disney+ streaming service announcements that came out of this years D23 (Disney's Annual Convention)!  Also, Money FINALLY gives us his review of Terrificon 2019, including his experience meeting up with a certain Official Librarian of NOTNation!  All of this plus the usual ridiculousness, tangents & total Lack of Mister 110% D-Rock that you've come to expect from NOTpodcast1!

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