You're Broke NOTheads!  On this episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast, The Man who brings the Money has gone missing so Tom & D-Rock call upon THE Official Lawyer of NOTNation, Christopher Todd as well as faithful NOTHead Steve Meek-MaHan to join them for some Nerdy conversation, with topics that include... Actresses from the once popular CW show Smallville are involved in an actual Sex Cult?  Plus, a review of Steven Spielberg's new movie Ready Player One, based on the book of the same name.  Finally, Senor Bo feels the need to defend the honor & dignity (what little there is) of the podcast against a new threat/enemy of NOTNation, taking the form of loud-mouthed, misinformed & Bigoted Dude Bros!  Sadly, Yes... this does have to do with that Podern Madness Twitter scandal we were supposed to be done talking about.  Blame the Rob & Slim Show for perpetuating that swirling Vortex of Drama!

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