Buckle up & bear down NOTNation! Episode 20 of Not Another Nerdy Podcast has arrived! This particular podcast literally lives up to its name as the Boys get sidetracked & distracted with so many tangents, stories & nonsense that they never actually discuss one shred of Nerd News. It all starts when D-Rock AKA Derek gives Tom & J Money an update on his Toy collecting struggles, which leads to a seemingly harmless mention of the Marvel Studios movie Ant-Man, which leads to Tom & J Money having a rather heated argument! Then Tom loses his infamous temper when Money accuses him of talking about his former show AGAIN, resulting in Mr. Bo waking up his entire household. While he's off trying to initiate familial damage control, J Money & Derek discuss the possibilities of doing their own podcast, which leads into some Wrestling talk. After returning, Mr. Bo is still Butthurt & reluctant to discuss his Birthday weekend festivities so the Boys decide to share stories about Derek's father; the Great "Wild Man", his Legendary "Den" & what can only be described as a "Piss Pot" instead. Plus, New York Comic Con 2017 ticket updates & other pointless, random idiocy to eat up an hour & 14 minutes of your busy day! Always FREE to Share, Follow, Download & Listen on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher & Google Play. Please give your 3rd favorite podcast a nice review on the new Podknife site & get involved with all of the MAGIC on @Notpodcast1 Social Media...


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