BOOM. Take cover NOTHeads... Because we're dropping this monumental 10th episode of Not Another Nerdy Podcast on you. Monumental because we can't believe that this show has reached double digits either! In this episode, it's a pretty light News week but J Money has a full report on his visit to Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth and all of his Wizard World shenanigans that took place there. Tom shares a story about meeting Macho Man Randy Savage during his visit to the Sam Raimi Spider-man Movie set and D-Rock talks about the Leaked Nintendo Switch Gaming system, before trying to make a four course meal and do the dishes while recording the podcast. It's the usual banter and fun that NOTNation expects and its FREE as always to Download, Listen and Share with a friend, on Podbean, iTunes, Stitcher, Goggle Play and YES, even YouTube! Follow all of the Notpodcast1 MAGIC on Social Media...