It takes someone special to be in the cage and start fighting. “Kobra” Kai Xiong will be one such guy. Started at a young age, he talks about the life of MMA Fighter and why he had made that decision so early in his life. We nerd out on the evolution of old school MMA vs new age MMA.

Kai Xiong shared the secrets of being a good MMA fighter and getting a good coach. He shares the university major to improve your Ju Jitsu game. We guys have the romantic dream about chasing one dream as a MMA fighter. He shares the horror stories in chasing a dream of being a pro-MMA Fighter


 A good coach is just somebody who cares for you. Because if they care for you on a personal level with respect, like personal in the sense, like your individual progression rather than like the gym as a whole, then they will be able to, uh, see the things that you need specifically. Not just like a cookie cutter process to let everybody go through Because if somebody cares for you individually and they're able to identify your mistakes, your strengths, your weak points, right, then they can cater the way they coach or their instructions and whatever they want to teach or show you specifically to what will make you the best version of you.