From practicing in a shipment container to playing one of the biggest stages in the world to writing a song for National Day, a song which still celebrated by many as one of classics. Electrico has done it all.

David Tan shares the genesis of Electrico (formerly known as The Electric Company). The band got together and how the shipment container about. It was a promising band and now looking back, David also looks at the mistake that he had made during his time in the band and how is the future of the band looking forward.

After not being involved in the scene for so long, we looked at the social media game and how it has affected people consuming music or the media. David, not just from one of the OG indie pop bands in Singapore and being successful at what he is doing for his day job, tells the tales of the club scene as well. Sharing the genres of the music that is being loved by the club-goers.

He shares the story of starting out as a broadcast journalist to behind the camera now as a day job. We share the appreciation to meet people, we never have a chance to meet or talk to. The advice he got when he started out to have shaped the decision, he made later in life is what everyone need to look into. We also share our experience as creative and content provider. I tell the story of being a digital marketing person and compare stories on both ends while creating adverts for social media and the traditional media.

We need that photo of the band holding hands together walking down on the beach.