This week, we talk to Singapore freelance journalist and activist, Kirsten Han! She opens up a bit about her childhood, how she went from film school to a career in journalism and activism as we share our experiences and the realities of working in this field. We discuss the balance between compelling storytelling and ensuring the work produced is credible and substantial while ensuring the best representation.

We review the importance of media literacy and how it’s produced and made, how the different kind roles in journalism come together to create the story and some insight into how the newsroom works. She shares her views on objectivity in journalism, the difference between smaller independent news source and large established newsrooms, and the day-to-day struggles that journalist face. We discuss our obsession with American news as a nation, the fear of repercussions for speaking out mind and the concept of free-speech.

She breaks down how wide the scope of the laws are, alternatives to dealing with harm without resorting to implementing new policies and the importance of ensuring that both the people and government keep each other in check. She shares the progress she has seen in Singapore over the years, her thoughts on Singaporean’s behaviour during the recent elections and the kind of nation she strives to work towards. She talks about the Singapore’s’ constitution, how to make it more accessible to the citizens and draw better awareness to the rights available.