Hey guys, this week I had the absolute pleasure to talk to a Doc Coyle, American musical artist. Originally, part of the Godforbid, he is now in Bad Wolves. Recently the frontman Tommy Vext just left the band.d

In this great episode, he shares their journey as a band from high school, the music culture difference between America and the rest of the world and the story of Bad Wolves’ cover of Zombie and how that shot the band to the limelight.

He shares the journey the Godforbid went through from high school, their goals and expectations as they gained popularity. We discussed the realities of artists, having to do other jobs to supplement their music career and how this helped him discover new passions through these pursuits.

We talk about the musical cultural differences between America, Europe and the rest of the world. How the music industry and environment were in the past and how it has changed over the years, how bands have had to change to appeal to modern audiences. Adapting with the times, how technological advancements now help a band to connect with their even during the pandemic. How he misses touring and finding new bands, and how the different platforms: Spotify, youtube, live streams, their advantages and disadvantages.

He shares great advice for himself with me, on coping with insecurity and inferiority, how to slowly and healthily work through the tough times to better himself and grow as individuals even if it takes years. Changing band lineups and how they earn and keep their fanbase, even the music styles and the singers changed. His relationship with his brother: how they grew apart and rekindled after the passing of their mother, the band members and how important it is to the whole creation process.