Danny Chrisnanto Koordi, the host for Economical Rice Podcast told me how and why he got everyone together to form the Podcast SG the one stop podcast community in Singapore. He shares about his favourite podcast and his opinion about interview podcast. We also chatted about how to go about making changes to one's podcast and the diversity of the podcast. I asked him about the craziest episode that he had pulled off in his show and the other genre of podcast that he is interested in. I tried to relate podcasting being similar to the the Oral History for National Archives and figure out the expectations what we have for our podcast. 

Economical Rice Podcast: http://economicalricepodcast.com/

Not Again Podcast Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/notagainpodcast/

Not Again Podcast website: https://www.notagainpodcast.com

Not Again Podcast iTunes Page: https://itunes.apple.com/sg/podcast/not-again-podcast/id1243363815?mt=2

Not Again Podcast Spotify page: https://open.spotify.com/show/2BqPbSFxoZn59pT8XM7Lbo?si=phHDtLakT8aelgPIIL8wsg

Not Again Podcast Stitcher Page: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/not-again-podcast

Not Again Podcast Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/notagainpodcast