In a sadly rather downbeat episode Jordan and Tom are joined by prolific freelancer Chris Schilling. Chris has been playing The Flame and the Flood and Far Cry Primal and goes back and forth on the pluses and minuses of both. Meanwhile Tom explain’s why Superhot’s shooting is Super Good and it’s story is Super […]

In a sadly rather downbeat episode Jordan and Tom are joined by prolific freelancer Chris Schilling. Chris has been playing The Flame and the Flood and Far Cry Primal and goes back and forth on the pluses and minuses of both. Meanwhile Tom explain’s why Superhot’s shooting is Super Good and it’s story is Super Not Very Good At All. Thankfully Jordan’s enjoyment of Stardew Valley comes without caveats.

Conker Hololens
Holly Nielson on pastoral games
The Boston molasses flood is a real, weird thing that happened
Tom has finished Superhot now and it turns out there is a level select unlocked when you finish it.
You can play the original Superhot prototype here
Emily is Away

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