Episode fifty one sees Pip still in recovery from The International, so Tom is instead joined by Laura Dale, Lucy Morris and Hannah Bunce. Lucy tells us about playing DayZ with broken legs while Hannah tells us why Wolf Among Us is grittier than The Walking Dead. Laura has been exploring Itch.io and finding a […]

Episode fifty one sees Pip still in recovery from The International, so Tom is instead joined by Laura Dale, Lucy Morris and Hannah Bunce. Lucy tells us about playing DayZ with broken legs while Hannah tells us why Wolf Among Us is grittier than The Walking Dead. Laura has been exploring Itch.io and finding a bunch of strange, small indie games and Tom has been gaming like it’s 1999 with King of Dragon Pass. Also included: our favourite tutorials, rampant speculation about the new Bioware game and interactive fiction wordplay puzzler Counterfeit Monkey.

Itch.io press accounts, for our journo listeners
Laura’s Itch.io findings: Three Fourths Home, The Lady and 9.03m
Emily Short’s Counterfeit Monkey, and the program you’ll need to run it
The ARG for Bioware’s new game: Shadow Realms starts here
King of Dragon Pass, and an LP to help you get to know it
No Skin Thick Enough
Rust’s angry customers
Ubisoft and animal sacrifice

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