Most of you won’t listen to this podcast because you’ll be making snarky comments about E3 instead, but just in case Tom, Pip and Jordan Erica Webber gathered together to bring you both our realistic E3 predictions and our wildest hopes and dreams. Also Pip has been enjoying her first big MMO launch with Wildstar […]

Most of you won’t listen to this podcast because you’ll be making snarky comments about E3 instead, but just in case Tom, Pip and Jordan Erica Webber gathered together to bring you both our realistic E3 predictions and our wildest hopes and dreams. Also Pip has been enjoying her first big MMO launch with Wildstar and descending into a zenlike grappling hook haze with Floating Point and Jordan tells us all about the bizarre story mode of Playstation Vita Pets. Plus Tom rambles on about were-jaguars and giant stone heads in Dominions 4.

Radius Festival will feature live public snarking for London games folks.
Phil Savage points out Wildstar’s strange proportions in his review in progress.
Floating Point is free, Tom Francis explains why.
Pips twitter contains infinite ripped Reggies.
Ubisoft Game: The Review
E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo. It is a large show where big companies show off their new games for the year. Sorry if we failed to explain that.

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