In this week’s podcast Tom and Pip are joined by The Average Gamer’s Debbie Timmins. Tonight we’re regaling you with the adventures of douchebag in South Park: The Stick of Truth, the adventures of Just Offscreen Man in Titanfall and the adventures of a scantily clad Egyptian goddess in Smite. We also have a high […]

In this week’s podcast Tom and Pip are joined by The Average Gamer’s Debbie Timmins. Tonight we’re regaling you with the adventures of douchebag in South Park: The Stick of Truth, the adventures of Just Offscreen Man in Titanfall and the adventures of a scantily clad Egyptian goddess in Smite. We also have a high speed chat about Ten Second Ninja and Debbie explains how Elite: Dangerous surprised us all. Finally we answer some reader questions about cheerful subjects like death, mental illness and game criticism before finishing off with some disturbing David Bowie/David Cage slash fiction.

Debbie’s Southpark review
Pip’s scandelous appearence on Crate and Crowbar
Call of Duty’s strange Extinction DLC.
Smite’s problematic use of the Hindu pantheon, includes skimpy Kali
Tom writes about mental illness and games in The Guardian.

Ontological Geek

Harmonix’s Chroma
Deadly Piponition

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