Welcome to the very 27th episode of the Not a Game podcast, a podcast that is supposedly about games but this week is also largely about accents and Jaffa Cakes. We do not apologise for this development. This week we’re joined by Richard Cobbett and Alice Liang for a twitter question medley,so you only have […]

Welcome to the very 27th episode of the Not a Game podcast, a podcast that is supposedly about games but this week is also largely about accents and Jaffa Cakes. We do not apologise for this development. This week we’re joined by Richard Cobbett and Alice Liang for a twitter question medley,so you only have yourselves to blame for the subject matter. We had a long talk about the history of adventure games, wrote some videogame slashfic, discussed possible gaming warning labels and braged about which other podcasts we could beat in a fight. Statistically this podcast probably contained Nolan North.

Cara’s Perfect Dark/James Bond crossover fic
Grant Howitt on Gone Home
Cara’s Gaming Made Me
Tom’s Retrocausality review
Old Man Murray’s classic article on The Death of Adventure Games
Stranded on RPS
Richard hates Myst
A Dark Room on the web. The iOS version is currently on sale too.

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