"Keep an eye out for the snoopers, pal, and don't forget to grab your smokes and that special gal of yours. There's a new episode of 'Not A Bomb' in town, and it's drenched in Noirvember's shadowy embrace. These fellas, they're diving deep into the darkness, dedicating the whole month to noir flicks. And what's their opening act? The year '92 brings us a crime thriller so dark, it'd make the devil himself shiver - 'One False Move.'

Now, 'One False Move,' when it hit the streets, had the critics singing its praises like a chorus of fallen angels. But the greenbacks, they didn't dance to its tune, and the flick vanished into the abyss, forgotten, some say thanks to that upstart Reservoir Dogs. But don't you worry, chum. These guys, they're laying down the gospel on 'One False Move,' telling you just why it's got the soul of a true neo-noir, a classic in every sense.

So, slip into the shadows, light up a smoke, and let 'Not A Bomb' take you on a ride through the heart of 'One False Move,' a film that's as classic as a dame in a red dress."

One False Move is directed by Carl Franklin and stars Bill Paxton, Cynda Williams, Billy Bob Thornton, Michael Beach, Earl Billings, and Jim Metzler.

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Cast: Brad, Troy