Pastor Mitchell Cruit

Micah 6:1-8

This text is tailored to teach us that true worship is doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. 
I. God’s Problem With Our Worship (v. 1-5)    We grow weary of the Lord because we’ve failed to remember his deliverance.
II. Our Problematic Solution to God’s Problem (v. 6-7)    We try to appease God through religious rituals and significant yet misguided sacrifices.
III. God’s Solution to Our Problem: (v. 8)    God calls us to worship him whole-heartedly by doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.
IV. What does this mean for Northwood?    We aim to represent Jesus by seeking the welfare of our city through deeds of mercy and justice.    a. Our primary focus as a gathered church is to make disciples who are fully like Jesus including like him in his mercy and justice.    b. Our aim in meeting practical needs in our community is eventually to point them to their most fundamental need, the mercy of Jesus who satisfied God’s justice.    c. We will do justice and show mercy unconditionally just as Christ showed mercy to us when we didn’t deserve it.    d. It is our prayer that our efforts would help our community become an increasingly good place for all people to live and that many people would come to faith in Christ.
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