Pastor Mitchell Cruit

This text is tailored to teach us that it is better to suffer for doing good rather than for doing evil because Jesus’ righteous suffering led to his victory and those who have trusted in him share in his victory through suffering. 

I. What Is Clear (v. 18, 22)

    A. Jesus suffered for the unrighteous once for all to bring us back to God. (v. 18)

    B. Jesus is now victoriously reigning with all things in subjection to him. (v. 22)

II. What Is Unclear (v.19-21) 

    A. When Jesus defeated sin and death, he proclaimed his victory over the demonic realm to them. (v. 19-20a)

    B. Baptism symbolizes the union with Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection for those who have trusted in him. (v. 20a-21)

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