Pastor Mitchell Cruit

Hosea 1:1-2:1
This text is tailored to teach us that God mercifully initiates a relationship with unfaithful people although we didn’t and still don’t deserve it. 
I. We didn’t deserve a relationship with God because while we were an unfaithful people God took the initiative to enter a marriage relationship with us. (1:2-3)    a. Since our relationship with God is like a marriage, sin and idolatry is spiritual adultery.
II. We still don’t deserve a relationship with God because our continued spiritual unfaithfulness deserves destruction, exile, and divorce. (1:4-9)
III. Although we didn’t and still don’t deserve it, we mercifully receive a reversal of the consequences we deserve as God grows, gathers, and adopts unfaithful people. (1:10-2:1)
IV. Questions for Reflection    1. In what ways have you minimized the seriousness of your sin?    2. How does knowing that God initiated a relationship with you while you were unfaithful and continues to show you mercy when you are unfaithful encourage you?    3. Who do you need to share your burdens with or encourage with the good news that whoever is in Christ is God’s people and has received his mercy?
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