Pastor Mitchell Cruit

Hosea 6, 7

This text is tailored to teach us that God will not accept a false convert. 
I. 5 Marks of a False Convert    1. A false convert uses the right vocabulary, but lacks repentance. (6:1-3)    2. A false convert does not have a love that perseveres or prioritizes the right things. (6:4-6)    3. A false convert is enflamed with desire for sin because they have neglected their heart for God. (6:7-7:7)    4. A false convert is not distinct from the world and doesn’t even realize it. (7:8-12)    5. A false convert is not reliable because they don’t truly trust God, but instead try to use God to get what they want. (7:13-16)
II. The problem is that a false convert’s heart has not been made new, yet the good news of the gospel is that Jesus makes our hearts new. (6:2, 6:7, 7:1, 7:7, cf. 1 Cor 15:1-3, Matt 9:13)
III. Questions for Reflection    1. How did God help you to see evidence of his grace that can assure your heart?    2. How did God reveal areas in your life that are cause for concern rather than assurance?    3. Where do you need to trust Jesus to conform your desires to the new heart he has already given you?
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