Pastor Mitchell Cruit

Matthew 13:44-52

Our vision is to see Jesus Christ treasured above all else and made much of through local churches in the Bay Area and in every corner of the world.
This text is tailored to teach us to treasure Jesus above all else. 
I. Why should you treasure Jesus above all else?    a. We should treasure Jesus above all else because his kingdom gives more than it costs. (v. 42-44)    b. We should treasure Jesus because his kingdom is more precious than anything else. (v. 45-46)    c. We should treasure Jesus above all else because we cannot have the kingdom without the king.  (v. 47-50, cf. Rom. 3:10, 23-24)
II. What happens when you treasure Jesus above all else? (v.51-52)    When we treasure Jesus above all else, we make much of him out of the overflow of our hearts.
III. How did God plan for Jesus to be revealed as a treasure above all else? (cf. Eph. 3:10-11)    God intended to reveal that Jesus is a treasure above all else through the church.
IV. What does this mean for Northwood?    a. As we pursue our mission we want to prioritize making much of Jesus in and through the local church.    b. We will need to regularly remind ourselves that both the goal and motivation of making disciples is treasuring Jesus above all else.
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