Can you believe that the Christmas season is almost here? We’ve got a special surprise for you and your family that we’re excited to tell you about today.

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The Christmas season is my favorite time of the year and I’m very excited to invite you all to join me at Santa’s Workshop. 

On Saturday, December 1 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., we will be at 207 E Davis St in McKinney and I promise you that you don’t want to miss out. Mark your calendars now! Join me for an afternoon of fun and to have your family pictures professionally taken with Santa just in time for your holiday cards.  

This event is for all of my clients, friends, and family.

You won’t have to brave the crowds, stand in line, or search all day for parking. I’ve booked one of the most talented local photographers, Chris Smith, to come take photographs. He gets booked months in advance, so we’re really excited to have him join us for this special day.

This event is open to all of my clients, friends, and family, but feel free to bring a friend along, too. If you can make it, send me an email to [email protected] or text me at (972) 984-0511 to RSVP. If you have any other questions for me in the meantime, I’d be happy to answer them.

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Featured Listings
Available near you:

1 / 3

3029 Kingsbarns

2 / 3

646 Scenic Ranch Circle

3 / 3

7401 Cobblestone Court

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