I hope to see you at my upcoming client appreciation event!

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I wouldn’t have a successful real estate business without the support of my clients, which is why I have an exciting announcement for everyone. My second annual client appreciation event is coming up! Join me at Mitas Hill Vineyard (2300 Vineyard Hill Ln, McKinney, TX 75071) on Saturday, April 20, from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

This gorgeous vineyard’s greenery and views offer the perfect backdrop for the wonderful food and wine we’ll be sharing together. There’ll be live music as well, and it should be a beautiful evening for everyone who attends. 

This event is for my clients and their families, though I encourage you to bring your friends as well. Kids are more than welcome, and since the event takes place the day before Easter, the Easter Bunny may make an appearance!  

It should be a beautiful evening for everyone who attends.

If you plan on attending, RSVP in advance and let me know how many people you’ll be bringing. I want to make sure there’s plenty to go around for everyone! 

Let me know by giving me a call at 972-984-0511 or sending an email to [email protected]. I hope to see you there!

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