As you surely know, Texas is a very special place. That’s why, for today’s video, I’m sharing exactly why I chose to move here and start my real estate career.

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For today’s message, I’ve decided to share the story of what brought me to Texas. This story was first shared on a podcast, and now, I’d like to give all of you the chance to hear it too.

 00:12 - How watching American movies during my childhood in Russia sparked my desire to immigrate

 02:04 - Discussing my early travels through the United States and what first brought me to Texas

 04:04 - Why I decided to settle in the Dallas area

 05:37 - How my real estate career began

 09:19 - The story behind my first real estate deal and my first couple of years in the industry

 12:42 - Discussing how my career growth and personal growth have corresponded over time

 17:13 - Wrapping up with some final advice

As always, if you have any questions about anything related to real estate, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Featured Listings
Available near you:

1 / 3

17092 FM 3486

2 / 3

6413 Kenwick Ave

3 / 3

601 Kentucky St

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