Winter will be here before you know it, so here are five important tips that will prepare your home for the upcoming season.

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Now that we’re moving through fall and getting closer to winter, here are five important tips to prepare your home for the change in season:

1. Turn off your sprinkler system. If you forget to turn off your sprinkler system and the temperature dips below freezing overnight, you might wake up the next morning to a lawn covered in ice. 

2. If you plan on using a wood-burning fireplace, get your chimney and vents checked. Make sure they’re clean and unobstructed.

3. Get your furnace checked and serviced. At the very minimum, you’ll want to clean or replace its filter. 

4. Reverse your ceiling fans (if you can). If you can switch the direction of your fans to rotate clockwise, they’ll be able to push the warm air from the ceiling down to the floor. This is an especially handy trick for homes with two-story family rooms.  

We’re offering a free winterization service for your outside pipes and faucets.

5. Insulate your outdoor pipes and faucets. As with your sprinkler system, any water left inside these pipes may freeze once the temperature dips below freezing, and this can cause your plumbing pipes to burst and create a lot of damage you may not have time to deal with. That’s why, as a token of our appreciation to our clients, we’re offering a free winterization service for your outside pipes and faucets. If you want to take advantage of this offer, all you have to do is call me. 

If you have any other real estate questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me as well. I’d be happy to help you.

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