We're delighted to have another special guest on the show. This time it's Mark Phoenix, web developer and co-host of the excellent Relative Paths podcast (https://relativepaths.uk). He talks to us from underneath his secret blanket den in Cheltenham about his career in code.
Chat meanders across diverse subjects such as grapefruit curses, Baby robins, Extremity comic (https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/extremity), Imaginary Worlds (https://www.imaginaryworldspodcast.org) podcast, Yoda's house (https://shop.lego.com/en-GB/Yoda-s-Hut-75208), Mike Sienkiewicz (https://youtu.be/4G1XAti0NX0) , Brian Eno, the resurgent Microsoft (https://daverupert.com/2015/08/dave-is-going-windows/), imposter syndrome, and, of course, pies. Special Guest: Mark Phoenix.

We're delighted to have another special guest on the show. This time it's Mark Phoenix, web developer and co-host of the excellent Relative Paths podcast. He talks to us from underneath his secret blanket den in Cheltenham about his career in code.

Chat meanders across diverse subjects such as grapefruit curses, Baby robins, Extremity comic, Imaginary Worlds podcast, Yoda's house, Mike Sienkiewicz , Brian Eno, the resurgent Microsoft, imposter syndrome, and, of course, pies.

Special Guest: Mark Phoenix.