This week North V South goes on a field trip to the Design Museum. Find out just what our roving reporters made of the museum’s new home in West London.
News sees us step closer to the world of Blade Runner with an image enhancer algorithm, and a step further away with an self driving bus crash. And as a general reminder that humans have been idiots since they left the trees, we look at Medieval Deathbot and Snapchat’s $30 million dollar silly glasses writedown.
Pies are stewed beef for Jon, and a bog standard pork pie for Rob.

This week North V South goes on a field trip to the Design Museum. Find out just what our roving reporters made of the museum’s new home in West London.

News sees us step closer to the world of Blade Runner with an image enhancer algorithm, and a step further away with an self driving bus crash. And as a general reminder that humans have been idiots since they left the trees, we look at Medieval Deathbot and Snapchat’s $30 million dollar silly glasses writedown.

Pies are stewed beef for Jon, and a bog standard pork pie for Rob.